Hooking Up With Hannah Horsfield
What’s it like when you embark on a project with someone you haven’t spent time with in person – you’ve briefly met them before but then gotten to know them better on FaceBook … it’s kind of a modern day social reality. That’s how it is for Hannah and I – Hannah won Sing2Win – the fundraising contest I setup with Mercy Ships to give contestants a chance to win thousands of dollars of prizes by auditioning for my Mercy Ships fundraising song and then competing to win the favour of the judges and the masses online.
Sharon Walls from Mercy Ships and I hooked up with Hannah in Auckland to get to know her a bit more and to hand over her prizes. She also shared some thoughts about Sing2Win.
Ladies and gentlemen I’d like to introduce the one … the only … Hannah Horsfield!
Hannah is also in the running for New Zealand’s Got Talent so give her your VOTE!
While Hannah and I are planning our path to the studio to record “Hope On My Horizon” how would you like a free copy? You can get “Hope On My Horizon – Live” by signing up to my Backstage Pass below – I’ll also keep you up to date on the journey to the studio that Hannah and I take.
Let’s hear it for Hannah!