JesseI’ve just had a fantastic weekend playing in Wellington at the charity musical festival ONESOUND. I grew up in Wellington and even though it was great to be back in my old stomping ground what was really special about the trip was that my youngest son Jesse went with me to crew for my gig.

It meant that it was more than just a gig trip – it was a “father and son road trip”! We got to visit his Grandma who’s still trucking along at 90, we paused at the memorial for his Grandad, and we passed by the house where as a boy he fell through a glass window!


I got to show him where I grew up as a boy riding skateboards and trolleys down steep neighbourhood hills, crashing bikes and almost setting fire to a house!

Rather than just telling tales about my life I got to show him where I walked and wandered as a boy and then grew into a man. Sometimes words just don’t say enough.

Of course we got up to some other things … but as they say “what goes on tour stays on tour” :p


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