What do you do when you’re 18 and finished high school? Well if you’re Melody Curle thinking about what to do with your life you travel half way across the world to help people who can’t help themselves.

Melody took a ‘gap year’ to visit developing nations and help make a difference in our world of need. After two months in India working with Mother Theresa’s charity, Melody continued on to Togo, West Africa to join the crew of volunteers on the Africa Mercy docked in Lomé, Togo. She rolled up her sleeves and worked in the stewards department to maintain the high standard of cleanliness required for the provision of first class health care services. Working alongside 450 other volunteers of various nationalities and walks of life she said “Everybody comes together with humble hearts to serve. Everyone onboard feels part of the wider Mercy Ships family, which I think is very rare and quite different to the average workplace.”

You can read more about this amazing young woman here and check out how you can get behind Mercy Ships too – just like me 🙂

Let’s make a difference in this world following Melody’s example with Music With a Mission to Rock Your World.
