Let’s get this straight – I’m a Kiwi – I’m not an American. In fact I’m a 5th generation New Zealander so if we we’re talking buzzy bees, or gumboots, or BBQ’s, or hokey pokey ice cream, or jandals, or Marmite, or pav, or Waitangi Day, or the All Blacks then you’d get my interest.

So why would I care about Thanksgiving? I grew up in the lower socio economic bracket of New Zealand in the legendary town of Tawa with my own fair share of challenges. At an early age I mastered the great Kiwi art focused what I didn’t have – the “whinge”. I didn’t really stop to consider what was good about my life but instead focused on what I didn’t have … and made sure others were aware of my fine opinion.

And then it happened … my world was assailed by the one unstoppable force that wreaks havoc on the male world … a woman! And we’re not just talking any woman … but a California Girl. It’s almost 25 years of marriage later and my 3 children are “American Citizens Born Abroad”. It’s just little old me that doesn’t carry a Green Card.

The amazing thing is that after having rubbed up against Thanksgiving year after year after year it’s taken it’s toll on me. Thanksgiving celebrates what you’ve got and what you’ve gotten through in life with the help of God. Living with an American family I’ve found myself changing – I’ve become more grateful for everything I have and how God has walked through life with me – I’ve got to say that I’m thankful, and especially so at Thanksgiving.

So what about you – what has being thankful done for you? Comment below …
